how a.b sees

Achieve Wellness Now

Achieve Wellness Now

Wellness is the condition of enjoyable circumstance. We inherently seek to improve our emotional, mental, and physical wellness, yet despite strong desire, well-being is often seen as a future state that to be achieved later.

Aligning yourself with the clear goal of Wellness Now (now!) can help lead to its recognized achievement.

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The Power of Decision is My Own

The Power of Decision is My Own

A timely excerpt from ACIM Workbook lesson 152: The power of decision is my own. This day I will accept myself as what my Father’s Will created me to be.

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Say YES to Holy Spirit


Say YES to Holy Spirit

This is a single player game highly heightened by the ability to seek and find higher guidance. Read Learning to Hear for tips on seeking and finding.

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The Period of Achievement

In the steps of Development of Trust, the final listed state is called the period of achievement. This is a goal of the course. This is the equivalent of a college diploma -- the outcome that represents completion. The period of achievement is marked by perfect peace of mind. This outcome is very beneficial to the achiever.

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Being of Service

Being of Service

This is a redefinition from what you currently believe. And it is a redefinition that will free you from the belief in guilt. To be of service to another is to provide that one with remembrance of God. 

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