how a.b sees — meditation technique

Mind Search - a Meditation Technique

meditation technique

A meditation exercise to search out and correct mental disturbances.

The purpose is to bring into our awareness forms of unhappiness to which we have grown accustom or find justifiable. Our true nature is attainable when we understand that there is no cause for emotional disturbance.

Are you determined to see things differently?

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Meditation from ACIM Lesson 44

meditation technique

Meditation from ACIM Lesson 44

Taken directly from A Course in Miracles, Lesson 44: "God is the Light in which I see."

1. Relax. 2. Pass interference. 3. Seek the light. 4. Do not forget. Remember.

The Course says it better, read the whole post.

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Where am I? - A Meditation Technique

meditation technique

Where am I? - A Meditation Technique

This is simple meditation technique that uses inner body awareness and confused senses to break us from our daily identity.

It is intended to help the person become aware of sensations and mental abilities often quieted and silenced by the activities of day-to-day life. 

This meditation is a clear invitation and practice in inviting you to consider mind identity rather than body identity. Can you feel the difference? Are you even here?

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Active Listening - A Meditation Technique

meditation technique

Active Listening - A Meditation Technique

alex brady loves mind training. Meditative sessions are an arena for testing the strength of a mind's Focus, Attention, Imagination, and Openness.

This particular meditative technique involves actively seeking out and listening to our inner intuition.

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